• The Gardasil™ vaccine is not a vaccine for protection against cervical cancer. It is a vaccine intended to prevent 4 types of HPV (Human PapillomaVirus).
  • According to the Gardasil™ package insert, there are more than 100 types of HPV!
  • Nearly all adults carry HPV in their bodies and in almost all instances HPV is harmless, causes no symptoms and is naturally eliminated from the body.

Does your daughter need the HPV vaccine? Christiane Northrup, M.D. states, “The risk of getting cervical cancer from Human PapillomaVirus (HPV) has been greatly overstated! Fifty to seventy-five percent of all people are exposed to HPV in their lifetimes. The virus clears spontaneously by the immune system within two years in over ninety percent of all women, posing no risk at all.”
